Eating healthy

Grow for it! Visit a farmers market this summer

Dr. Lisa Richards Medical Officer of Health and specialist in public health and preventive medicine
Last updated: Jul 2, 2024

Summer is here and while the growing season may be short, the amount of fruits and vegetables produced in Manitoba is bountiful, not to mention delicious.

The average frost-free growing season averages around 120 days between the end of May and mid-September. However, the season is getting longer — prompting people to make the most of a changing climate by growing vegetables like sweet potatoes and okra that thrive in warmer environments.

But this summer, it’s time to take advantage and make the most of local produce. Here are some of the top reasons why:

It’s fresh!

Produce sold at farmers markets is picked just ahead of market days, at the peak of freshness and flavour. 

farmers market

It’s nutritious!

Some fruits and vegetables can lose nutrients the longer they sit around, however no matter where they came from — fresh, frozen, canned or dried, fruits and vegetables are always welcome as a part of a healthy diet. Canada’s Food Guide encourages filling half of your plate with vegetables and fruits.

It’s good for the environment!

A shorter distance to travel reduces the carbon footprint of what we eat, and requires less processing and packaging. And you can bring your own reusable market tote to carry everything home with you.

You get to know where your food is coming from.

When you visit a market, you often have the opportunity to talk to the people who grew it. You can ask about their growing methods and find out their favourite ways to make it. 

It supports the local economy.

When you buy from a local producer, that money stays here, because they purchase from other local businesses, services, or even a fellow farmer in a booth next to them.

It’s easy!

Check out the Ultimate List of Manitoba Farmers Markets in 2024 from Travel Manitoba. The Veggie Van is another option making affordable fresh local produce available to underserved communities in Winnipeg. 


For more tips, go to our Eating Healthy page with info on getting started, and when your what you eat is something you should talk over with your doctor.