Catch up on immunizations

Childhood vaccines

Dr. Natalie Casaclang Family Physician and Medical Officer of Health specializing in immunizations
Last updated: May 29, 2024

Even as an adult, you can benefit from receiving vaccines you might have missed as a child or teen. 

Here is a list of vaccines offered during childhood and teenage years that you could still benefit from as an adult if you missed them:

If you aren’t sure if you received all of your recommended immunizations, you can ask your doctor to check, call your local public health office, or request your immunization record online through Manitoba Health.

Learn more about the safety and benefits of vaccines here.

Please note: The advice in this article aligns with the immunization schedules from Manitoba Public Health.

Key takeaways

  • Vaccines protect against many diseases, and it’s important to ensure you are up-to-date.

  • If you missed any vaccines recommended during child or teen years, your doctor or public health can advise on catching up.

  • Catch-up vaccines are generally covered by Manitoba Health